31aug01sepMNRI® INTEGRACIJA REFLEKSOV ZGORNJIH OKONČINMNRI® UPPER LIMBS REFLEX AND MANUAL SKILL INTEGRATON(avgust 31) 8:30 - (september 1) 17:00 OŠ Žirovnica, Zabreznica 4, 4274 ŽirovnicaMožnost zgodnje prijave po znižani EARLY BIRD ceni do20.7.2024

Podrobnosti Dogodka

Dr. Svetlana Masgutova


Dr. Svetlana Masgutova

Pogoji za udeležbo

Opravljeni seminarji:

  • MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Integration


Metoda dr. Masgutove je univerzalna metoda, pri kateri gre za ponovno uravnoteženje nevrološkega razvoja in integracijo primarnih gibov, refleksov, koordinacijskega sistema in sposobnosti za optimalno delovanje, razvoj in učenje.

Vsebina EVENTA

Learner Objectives: MNRI Upper Limb Reflex and Manual Skill integration:

  1. Explain the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) Method and its connection to the
    innate nature of the motor reflex system.
  2. Explain the role of a reflex and its sensory, motor, and central nervous system mechanisms.
  3. Describe how the MNRI process for upper limbs is a facilitation program for genetic motor pattern
  4. Describe the role of the motor reflex pattern in the development of the nervous system.
  5. Explain how the brain engages in protection versus learning and development.
  6. Describe how to use the neuro-developmental techniques found in this program to facilitate
    sensorimotor integration for manual reflex patterns.
  7. Explain how a delay or inhibition of any of the natural motor development movement patterns can
    affect the overall development of a child.
  8. Explain how the primary movement system provides protection, ensures survival and generates innate
    spontaneous movements to sustain and regulate the body.
  9. Explain how upper limb reflexes and related manual skills are involved in the formation of conscious
    motor control within the brain-body system.
  10. Demonstrate the role of upper limb reflexes and related manual skill development within the motor
    reflex system and the neurosensorimotor reflex integration basis for the successful development of
    manual skills.
  11. Describe how fine motor control, hands-eyes, hands-articulation, and hands-auditory systems are
    necessary for fine motor coordination and self-regulation.
  12. Demonstrate how to implement MNRI assessment techniques to determine the integration state of a
    reflex pattern (i.e. integrated, dysfunctional or pathological) of each upper limb reflex.
  13. Demonstrate motivating games and activities to use in conjunction with MNRI techniques to enhance
    the upper limb integration process.
  14. Describe how to create and apply an individual MNRI program for clients with various challenges.
  15. Demonstrate strategies to incorporate the use of the MNRI Upper Limb Reflex and Manual Skill
    course content into daily client and home practice.
  16. Demonstrate and apply through supervised hands-on practice strategies for the following reflex patterns addressed in this course;
  • Primary Motor Reflex Patterns •
  • Asymmetric Tonic Neck (ATNR) •
  • Hands Pulling •
  • Robinson Grasp •
  • Babkin Palmomental •
  • Hands Supporting (Parachute) Additional Motor Reflexes •
  • Sequential Fingers Closing •
  • Sequential Fingers Opening Upper Limb NeuroStructural Integration Techniques •
  • Upper Limbs Segment Stroking •
  • Wrist Flexion Extension Activation
  • Fingers Compression/Traction •
  • Arm Embracing Squeeze •
  • Babkin Palmomental Activation
  • Hand/Palm Proprioceptive Stimulation •
  • Wrist-Elbow-Arm Rotations •
  • Pincer Gripping Activation
  • Finger Base Proprioceptive Stimulation •
  • Forearm Activation •
  • Tripod Gripping Activation •
  • Sequential Arm Opening •
  • Forearm Two Bone Stimulation •
  • Pyramid Finger Activation/Squeezing •
  • Rainbow Arms •
  • Wrist Joint Circular Stimulation •
  • Thumb Stress Release •
  • Variant Hand Grasp Pattern.




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Avgust 31 (Sobota) 8:30 - September 1 (Nedelja) 17:00


OŠ Žirovnica

Zabreznica 4, 4274 Žirovnica


Avevita, Meta Bizjak Eržen s.p. Na Trati 17, 4248 Lesce

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Možnost zgodnje prijave po znižani EARLY BIRD ceni do


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Kotizacija za seminar MNRI Integracija refleksov zgornjih okončin (31. avgust - 1. september 2024)


Cena €477.00

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