25aug(aug 25)8:3027(aug 27)17:00MNRI® INTEGRACIJA DIHALNIH REFLEKSOVMNRI® BREATHING REFLEX INTEGRATION8:30 - 17:00 (27) OŠ Žirovnica, Zabreznica 4, 4274 ŽirovnicaMožnost zgodnje prijave po znižani EARLY BIRD ceni do3.8.2023

Podrobnosti Dogodka



Dr. Nelli Akhmatova

Pogoji za udeležbo

Opravljeni seminarji:

  • Core in Training Level 2 ALI
  • DPRI + NT + 7 dodatnih seminarjev


Metoda dr. Masgutove je univerzalna metoda, pri kateri gre za ponovno uravnoteženje nevrološkega razvoja in integracijo primarnih gibov, refleksov, koordinacijskega sistema in sposobnosti za optimalno delovanje, razvoj in učenje.

Vsebina EVENTA



Participants of this 24 hour MNRI® course will participate in both the course discussion and hands-on supervised practice. In this course, participants will be introduced to information about the neuro-anatomy and neurophysiology of the breathing system and its links with protection and survival mechanisms and reflex pattern integration, the priority role of the breathing system in creating the basis for establishing neurosensorimotor processing for optimal brain functioning, the psychological/emotional foundation of the breathing system and influence on health, motivation and cognition. Course participants will also learn about the assessment of breathing as a primary reflex, as well as, specific exercises to integrate breathing and links of breathing with relative reflex patterns for children with neurodevelopment delays.

Participants will be introduced to assessment techniques for the breathing reflex patterns and the protective responses of: Fear Paralysis, Moro, Core Tendon Guard, Head Righting, oral-facial, visual, and auditory reflex patterns that serve the development and maturation of the protection and survival mechanisms needed for successful functioning in children and adults. Repatterning techniques and exercises for these reflex patterns will be introduced and are necessary to create a sufficient neurophysiological basis for feeling safe, inner strength and motivation, organization of proper perception and processing of the input, and thus development of different cognitive skills – visual and auditory. Postural control mechanisms depending on breathing will also be addressed. Development and maturation of the protective group of reflexes concerned with the breathing system lead to the development of emotional stability and inner control. This course will offer examples of techniques, games, and activities to make the integration sessions using MNRI® exercises interesting and motivating. The Breathing Reflex Integration course can be used with children and adults with deficits in development of protection mechanisms; fear and phobias, behavior and emotional disorientation, motor and speech delays. It also can be used as a stress release program for adult.



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25 (Petek) 8:30 - 27 (Nedelja) 17:00


OŠ Žirovnica

Zabreznica 4, 4274 Žirovnica


Avevita, Meta Bizjak Eržen s.p. Na Trati 17, 4248 Lesce

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Možnost zgodnje prijave po znižani EARLY BIRD ceni do


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